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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Post NSF workshop

So, it was nice, very nice.

Lots of discussions in every directions, from fundamental questions about the role of robustness in evolution to the more concrete needs in terms of fundings and education. Most documents are available on the web site of ECB, and we are working on a report that will be available at the NSF website. But the big ideas included the need for more 'Experimentally Tractable Organisms' (ETOs), mapping the existing ones on the Tree of Life, and developing new ones in non-covered areas, that this new field doesn't need a new journal or new conferences, but more applications of evolutionary thinking into the existing framework. We are working on a document that will be published as a call to increase the consideration of the complementarity that exist between evolutionary biology and cell (and molecular) biology.

It is only in achieving those goals discussed at the NSF worshop that the light of evolution will eventually illuminates the available data to make sense of molecular and cellular biology, and the other way around..