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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Change of paradigm in PVC biology

It has been a while that it has been in the air. It is about time that the single handed view of a few is being opposed by a more constructive interpretation. Published in Trends in Microbiology, DP Devos propose to interpret PVC cell plan in a classical Gram-negative framework. This has been previously heralded by works like the one of anammox genome or Speth article, but never before in a so detailed and descriptive way. The following quote applies wonderfully to the period previous to this publication:
"With rare exceptions, most scientific ideas arise out of an earlier period of confusion, contradiction, and partial truths." EA Carlson "Mendel's legacy"
This was timely. And we are looking forward to constructive evaluation of this new framework.

Monday, 18 November 2013

How much should we spend on Science and how much we get back?

If you have ever wondered why we need to fund science, keep on reading. Fascinating analysis on the political and economical implications on Science spending published by WH Press in Science.